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About Us

Herbert Lutz & Company performs a full range of services in the field of tank installation, internal epoxy lining of tanks, tank removal and environmental regulatory services in New Jersey and Florida. Please view our services overview page for more information on our areas of expertise.

Quality Service Since 1919

Way back in 1919, Peter Lutz and his brothers arose in the dark early one morning from their home in the Bayway area of Elizabeth, New Jersey. The Lutz brothers set out, via horse and carriage, on a journey to Morristown, New Jersey. They had been commissioned by Standard Oil Company of New Jersey to install a gasoline filling station for motor cars. They carried with them a 500 gallon tank and a hand crank operated pump.

They toiled throughout the day digging by hand to bury the tank and extend piping to fill and vent the tank and feed the pump. The pump had a five gallon glass jar mounted at the top with graduated markings to measure gallons. A hose was attached to the side of the pump to allow the measured amount of gasoline to drain into the customer’s motor car. The pump and tank were located curbside, so the motoring public could conveniently pull to the side of the road to get gas. They completed their first filling station at the end of a long day.

Once again in the dark, tired but satisfied, they journeyed back to Elizabeth in their horse and carriage. The next day they went to Standard Oil to receive their pay and collected what was then about the equivalent of a week’s pay for work they completed in one long day of hard work. At that moment, they determined that building gas stations was the business for them and the Lutz family companies were born.

Herbert Lutz & Company Today

Today, the endeavors of Peter Lutz and his brothers have grown into the fully licensed and insured turnkey operations of Herbert Lutz & Company. Our certifications include:

  • State of New Jersey
    • UST Certification: Tank installation-Entire UST system, Tank Closure, Subsurface Evaluation, Cathodic Protection Specialist, Unregulated Heating Oil Tanks (UHOT), (Certification # US01201)
    • Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP #580657)
    • Licensed Electrical Contractor (License #10981)
    • Licensed Journeyman Well Drillers (NJDEP License #JD 1210)
  • State of Florida
    • Certified Pollutant Storage System Contractor (PCC045036)
    • Certified Building Contractor (# CBC-1256127)
    • Broward County Licensed Electrical Contractor (License ER13013057)
  • Registered Pennsylvania & New York State Well Drillers

Licensed Professionals & Staff

In addition to being fully certified, each of our principals and certified qualifiers has a minimum of 20 years of experience in the industry. Our principals and key professionals include:

  • Stuart H. Lutz, Principal
    Florida Pollutant Storage Contractor License holder
    PCC 045027
  • Henry J. Lutz, Principal
    Florida Pollutant Storage Contractor License holder
    PCC C45036
    NJ UST Certifications: Tank installation-Entire UST system, Tank Closure, Subsurface Evaluation
    NJ Electrical Contractor (License #10981)
  • Kevin M. Moore, Vice President, Manager/Superintendent
    Certified Building Contractor License holder
  • Clifton C. Thomas, Vice President
    Electrical Contractor License holder
  • Robert P. Woetko, Site Foreman
    Certified UST Installer
    NJDEP License #00112264
  • Carmine Decorso, Drilling Supervisor
    Licensed Well Driller
    NJDEP License # JD1210
  • Steven J. Papatrefon, Vice President
    NJ UST Certifications: Tank Closure, Subsurface Evaluation, LSRP
    NJDEP License #0011782
    LSRP License #580657

Contact Us

For over 60 years, we have been the in-house professionals our industry relies on. Whether you are located in Florida or New Jersey, for quality service from experienced, licensed professionals, contact Herbert Lutz & Company today.


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