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Well Drilling Company

Modern tank laws and increasingly strict environmental regulations have placed a heavy burden on today’s tank and property owners. At Herbert Lutz & Company, we recognize these changes and have increased our capabilities by forming environmental consulting and drilling groups, including Lutz Environmental Co., a fully licensed and insured drilling company, and HL Petroleum Co., a full-service environmental consulting firm. We have two full-time  NJDEP Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) and several NJDEP licensed subsurface evaluators on staff. Our NJDEP licensed driller has over 30 years of experience drilling and constructing environmental monitoring wells in all types of geologic formations. For more information on our staff and qualifications, please see our about us page.

Our drilling services can provide the following capabilities:

  • Air rotary, hollow stem auger, and mud rotary drilling
  • Well installations for groundwater monitoring, bioremediation injections, product recovery, domestic, irrigation, and piezometer
  • Well abandonments and well sealing
  • Soil borings, split spoon sampling, Shelby tube sampling, and Hydropunch™ sampling
  • Soil and groundwater sampling and remediation
  • Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments


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