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Underground Storage Tank Contractors in New Jersey and Florida

Underground storage tanks (USTs) are everywhere. For years now, old gas stations have been sold, and the property put to other commercial uses. In some instances, these properties have even been repurposed for residential use. If the USTs were never removed or were not properly closed, corrosion and subsequent leakage can contaminate the surrounding soil and groundwater, leading to extremely costly cleanup bills. In some cases, the property may have changed ownership many times since the tank was initially removed or closed, making it extremely difficult to identify which party or multiple parties can be required to foot the bill or share in the cleanup.

Of course, USTs are not just limited to current or former gas stations. NJDEP’s UST regulations cover industrial sites with tanks and even apartment complexes with old heating oil tanks that were not required to register their USTs with the DEP, thus flying under NJDEP’s radar by not appearing in the database.

Other sites with USTs that had at one time been registered in the past but surreptitiously disappeared over the years will soon be uncovered.  NJDEP has digitized its database, allowing DEP to cross-reference information and find USTs that were never before identified or properly closed. NJDEP will use its broad authority to go after current and previous property owners to hold them accountable for closing or removing tanks or remediating contaminated sites.

If you received a letter from NJDEP and need assistance with UST removal, testing or site remediation, Herbert Lutz & Company can meet your every need. Call on our certified and licensed team for help with any of the following:

Installation and Removal

You can rest assured that your UST installation, closure or removal will be performed in compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations. We’ve been in this business for nearly 100 years and remain committed to upholding our reputation that generations have counted on to handle UST installation and removal with exacting standards, care and attention.

Lining and Coating

The older a tank is, the more likely it has become susceptible to corrosion. We may be able to save you the tens of thousands of dollars required to remove and replace a tank by repairing and lining the existing tank. This option may be especially attractive if your tank is located under a sidewalk or other location that would make it extremely costly to remove and replace. We can even repair your steel, double-wall tank that has corroded, leaking product into the outer wall of the tank.

Compliance Testing

Our comprehensive testing services includes vapor recovery, static pressure testing, pressure vacuum vent valve testing, vapor blockage testing and more. New Federal hydrostatic testing regulations have recently been passed, with compliance required by October 2018. A quick call to Herbert Lutz & Company after you’ve received a Notice of Violation can save you thousands and help you avoid a pricey site investigation.


Our team holds Florida pollutant storage contractor licenses as well as New Jersey UST certifications in tank installation, closure and subsurface evaluation. We service leak detection monitoring systems and all service station equipment from the point of sale to the UST and every component in between.

Site Remediation

Herbert Lutz & Company is the only company in New Jersey with a licensed site remediation professional (LSRP)  on staff with nearly 30 years experience at UST removal and subsequent remediation.


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